Hey Fam! Here is a random fact about me. I love Valentine’s Day. I know what you are thinking. GEE, shocker, you love yet another holiday? And before you get all wound up and tell me Valentine’s Day isn’t a holiday, let me tell you that I make it feel like one. Ever since I was a little girl I loved making crafts for my family and friends, the bright pinks and reds, and every year my mom would surprise my brother and I with a giant hersheys kiss and a cute little Valentine’s themed toy. Let’s not forget the exchanges made in my elementary classroom! I just loved seeing the joy on my friends faces.
I don’t go all out for Valentine’s Day, but I do love carrying on the tradition with my husband and son by ushering in the love fest season with cozy, affordable items. My husband especially likes the “affordable” part. One of the traditions in our home is matching pajamas. I also love to decorate my son’s room with cute little banners and seasonal finds. It helps him to understand and learn the different seasons/holidays and at the ripe old age of 3, he sure does appreciate it. Afterall, that’s what Valentine’s Day should be about. Sharing the love!
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Xx Ashley